DNM Geospatial, LLC, we know data, geospatial data. We provide geospatial consulting and education services with a focus on custom solutions to support local communities and environmental stewardship organizations to manage, document, analyze, map, visualize, and communicate their data.

Our Services

GIS Consulting

data management, collection, creation, QA/QC, databases

Application Development

mapping tools, visualizations and applications


GIS, data science, environmental science, STEM and STEAM, project-based learning

Current Projects

Our team

Mendeloff, Dara_circle_bk

Dara N. Mendeloff, GISP


Dara is a Senior Geographic Information Scientist and an Environmental Educator. Her work supports interdisciplinary research projects involving the integration of socioeconomic and environmental data to create data and map products, and applications for distribution to comprehensive and diverse user communities. Dara’s research focus is on local, regional and global geospatial data management and applications for sustainable development.

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Why Us?

DNM Geospatial is a team who cares about planet earth and beyond. We care about accessibility and fairness for all. We care to make information and tools for analysis easily accessible and affordable for all. The most important thing we can do to protect the planet – not to profit from it – but to put our sustainable thinking caps on – so that we all can enjoy this journey of life

20+ Years of Work Experience

Over the last 20+ years we have accumulated a lot of tools under our belt and stay current with cutting edge technologies

10+ Years of Teaching Experience

We have trained 100's of students and teachers to use geospatial data, make maps and to understand how to communicate geographic information


Make with Data

Make with Data is our program that supports NYC High School teachers and students with defining and  developing research questions surrounding community based challenges (related…

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